Fishing 2017-12-15T19:07:05+00:00

Project Description

Fishing in Ausseerland – Salzkammergut

The Salzkammergut is a very special natural jewel with its clear waters and beautiful landscapes.

It offers unique natural beauty, which is an important requirement to experience in the practice of fishing. There are lakes and creeks, which are very well occupied and promiss so many unforgettable fishing experiences. This includes the fishing in the forestry of the Inner Salzkammergut with Toplitzsee, Toplitzbach, Grundlsee, Riedelbach, Ödenseertraun, Rettenbach and the Hallstättersee of Grundlsee char, lake-, riverine brown - and rainbow trout, grayling, pike and Hallstätter whitefish.

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