Sightseeing 2017-12-15T19:11:16+00:00

Sightseeing in Ausseerland-Salzkammergut

Welcome to the geographic center of Austria – the Ausseerland-Salzkammergut. Crystal clear invite the Grundl-, Toplitz-, Kammer- and Altausseer See. Happy presents themselves the „costume island“ with its villages Altaussee, Bad Aussee, Grundlsee. And once a year, people from all over Europe are coming here to attend the Narzissenfest.


But the Salzkammergut is much more. In the south, it “nestles” at the Dachstein with its almost 3000 metres. The peaks of the ´Toten Gebirge´range proudly in the north. Hikes, walks, mountainbike tours, all surrounded by a wild-romantic landscape.


The Ausseerland-Salzkammergut is also a "vital region" due to its climate, the salt and the moor. And in Bad Mitterndorf you can relax in the Grimming-Therme. In the winter the cross-country ski trail passes directly and the new, longest cable car in Styria will take you to the Tauplitzalm. Just arround the corner: the world´s largest ski jumping hill, the Kulm.


Discover your holiday fun in the Ausseerland-Salzkammergut in Austria!


More information and sightseeing, you´ll find here: :

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