Cross country 2021-06-19T10:09:39+00:00

Project Description

The dream of cross-country skiing

The "Styrian Salzkammergut cross-country ski trail" of Bad Mitterndorf – TauplitzAlm – Pichl-Kainisch with approx. 130 km is characterized by wide, level meadows, snow protected forest edges, only slightly hilly terrain – not yet overrun – snow guaranteed, enough start and stop options. But also the athletic cross-country skier finds challenge trials up to high altitude trial on the Tauplitzalm!

Our constantly maintained, double-tracked cross-country trials, parallel the magnificent skating track invites you! It is not for nothing that our cross-country ski runs are awarded with the Styrian cross-country ski trail year after year.

Our Salzkammergut cross-country ski trail, consisting of 7 smaller circular loops, is called as one of the most beautiful cross-country ski runs in Austria..


All rounds can be found at:

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